Hungry is now accepting pitches and submissions for
Issue 07: “Funeral Foods”
This issue opens up space for feelings and thoughts around grief and food. The recipes lost when a loved one passes away, the dishes we can no longer indulge in after a break up, connections to culture lost, the community recipes for feeding many people at a funeral, the grief we feel when we see the impacts of climate change on traditional foodways. In our grief we also celebrate what was, cooking our ancestors’ favourite meals, finding connection at your local restaurant, and finding an old recipe book.
Pitch deadline: July 21, 2023 (pitch guidelines)
Submission deadline: August 9, 2023 (submission guidelines)
Issue launch: Fall 2023
Payment: All contributors whose work is selected will be paid $50 upon publication of the issue.
Questions: We welcome your questions, send them to: [email protected].
Page size: 5 x 8 inches (or 8.5 x 11 spread), ~300 words/page.
Colour: The zine will be risograph printed in 2 colours– Blue (#0078bf) and Black (#000000).
Submission Format:
- Illustrations and Photos:
- Please note that all art will be printed in two tones and we ask that you take this into consideration when choosing which artwork to submit to us.
- Please keep separate layers for each ink colour as you prepare your artwork, and keep in mind that final works need to be submitted as .psd or .ai files (if your piece is accepted). If your piece is accepted, we will need a separated file from you, meaning each colour needs to be in a separate layer, no two colours in one layer, and no flat jpeg or pdf files. psd or ai files are best.
- For illustrations that are made in vector format (Adobe Illustrator or any other software), please keep them in whatever file format they are in, and do not import it to Photoshop. Photoshop rasterizes vector files, and the quality degrades a bit.
- We (and the folks at Yolkless Press) can help with file set-up, and technical specifications, around colours and incorporating drawings. Just ask us if you have any questions!
- Text: Please submit a Google document (preferred) or Word document.
Have a read through our general submission guidelines here before submitting, (it will help you, and help us)!